Monday, December 3, 2012

Creating a Banner Ad for Website Advertising

Most of the website marketing beginners assume that creating a good banner ad takes several hours, which is actually not true. In fact, you can creative an impressive ad for your banner advertising program in less than an hour! You need not be a graphic designer or take any hard core training for it because all this is possible by using a great designing program that we are going to discuss ahead. So, keep reading and get ready to design a banner ad for your website advertising campaign.

Requirement You do not need any spend any hefty amount for buying expensive software like Photoshop. Moreover, there is no requirement unless you decide to learn full fledged designing. I believe that you do not have extra money to spend on something that is actually not required. So, what to do? Rush to and download the free Paint.NET image and photo editing software. You will not get some advanced features like Photoshop in it, but anyways you do not need it either. It provides you all basic tools for creating a banner ad for website advertising.

Using Paint.NET to create a banner ad Paint.NET is easy to use, just like the program "Paint" in your computer. Start by setting a canvas size of 468 x 60 pixels, which is the standard horizontal banner, but you can use other sizes like 250 x 250 for block ad or 60 x 960 for long vertical ads. If you feel it difficult to start with a smaller canvas, choose one with bigger dimensions but do not forget about scaling them properly while using for website advertising purpose. After you are done with setting up canvas, start with creating the base. It can be a single color, an image or a number of images to make it complex. You can use any type of background, but make sure that it is not too fancy.

Banner ads are usually simple as they let your potential visitors to extract information from your banner advertising. Remember that the background of the ad should boost the text and not suppress it; otherwise it will distract your audience and consequently your entire website advertising campaign will be in vain.

Always use the complimentary colors that are eye-catchy. Some of the perfect complimentary colors include red & white, red & yellow, blue & orange and purple & yellow. Do not use hard colors together such as red & green or red & blue as they are considered distracting.

Quick Designs Just in case if you do not want to make the banner ad of your own, you can use some faster services like XHeader or XHeader Pro. Former one is a free software and offers you a large number of templates, images and animation options to create an innovate header for your website advertising. This software is actually meant for designing headers, but you can make relevant changes to convert it into a banner. Finally, you can also outsource your banner from cheap sources like that will build a creative ad for your banner advertising program for just $20. The process takes only a day or two and the result is simply great. Your banner ad is great tool of website advertising and driving sales, so make sure that you never compromise on quality.

Banner Advertising Must-Knows - Impressions, Costs, and Benefits of Banner Ads   Different Ways to Make Online Marketing Effective With Flash Banners   How Does a Professional Online Banner Promote Small-Scale Business?   Banner Advertising - What It Is? Why It Is The Essential Part Of Your Online Business?   

CPM Banner Advertising Secrets Revealed

Banner advertising can be an effective way to drive targeted traffic to your site. This can also build brand awareness for products or services which can make new businesses equal footing with the older ones. Banner ad space can also be a good way to use your site's traffic to generate income. This can be done if you can join a banner ad network which can keep track and control ad placements on your site and they can have a percentage of the advertising income.

You can have banner advertising either through pay per click (PPC) or cost per thousand impressions (CPM). The cost per thousand impressions or CPM is used by advertisers to see how many viewers have viewed your ads or having an impression by seeing it.

Businesses may experience low clickthroughs and have low conversion rates though and this can make advertisers think that CPM banner advertising can be expensive. If you are one of these advertisers, you can have the adjustments needed that can give your campaign a complete turnaround.

Have an analysis of your clickthrough rate, since it is how effective your ad can be measured. Have a list of high targeted sites, since these are the sites that can give you higher clickthrough rates, and have this as your preferred landing sites for your ads.

An analysis of your cost per sale is also an important thing to do since it can show your actual cost in making a particular sale. You can track your banner ads and see where your products are selling on a particular site since there are high targeted sites that sell compared to other relevant ones.

Since banner ads are brand tools and build product brand awareness on viewers minds even if they won't purchase upon clickthrough, these can still leave an impression on their minds. When they are ready to make the purchase, the impression left on their brains can make them buy.

Banner advertising through cost per thousand impressions (CPM) can be expensive but you can also have other alternatives to bring your campaign expenses down. You can develop a very compelling ad or you can negotiate for a lower rate CPM.

Another alternative also can be by starting an affiliate program that can work on cost per sale or cost per action basis. An affiliate service program can be available to host your banner ads and make them available to affiliates.

Banner Advertising Must-Knows - Impressions, Costs, and Benefits of Banner Ads   Different Ways to Make Online Marketing Effective With Flash Banners   How Does a Professional Online Banner Promote Small-Scale Business?   Banner Advertising - What It Is? Why It Is The Essential Part Of Your Online Business?   Do You Need to Use a Banner to Get Good Traffic?   

Is GoogleTV the Next Big Advertising Success Story?

A few months ago saw Google announce the launch of Google TV in the US, with the promise of a new interactive television experience. That's the pitch. The reality is that for Google, dominating the online market with search and display and now tapping into mobile with Android, the obvious next big revenue stream will come from digital TV. So is this the future for all or another failed attempt at universally syncing the 2 medias? I'll be looking at why it is so important as a market, what it will mean for both consumers and advertisers and finally if Google has any chance of success.

An obvious market

All relevant studies point to online and TV getting closer and closer together. So close that Google can legitimately consider a move unto uncharted territory. - The usage overlap between online and TV is growing: 28% access the internet on their computer whilst watching TV. This is a 40% increase versus 2008. Source: Mediascope Europe 2010, EIAA - Online is ever more used for TV related content: Watching or downloading TV, film clips up 46% from 2008 for 25-34s and On-Demand TV up 40%. Source: Mediascope Europe 2010, EIAA - Thus leading to the advent of online video advertising: a 145% year on year growth in the UK last year. Source: UK Internet Advertising Bureau / PricewaterhouseCoopers.

So many have tried already such as Samsung and the Yahoo widget already available. But why would Google's launch be a game changer? What is it anyway?

So what is GoogleTV?

Lets start first with the official spiel from the giant itself. Indulge yourself and click on the video below. Basically Google TV is an open source OS, based on Android, which is to be used on TV. Amongst it's key features, you will be able to search any TV content you want, whether on your existing channels, saved files or on the web. It also means a full web browser will be available in the form of Google Chrome. The fact it cleverly uses Android type OS means it will be very easy for developers to roll out apps on both mobile and TV. So as this is a new product, we really have to wait and see if some good apps would make this a clearly useful and new experience. The similar platform also means easy interaction between mobile and TV, beyond using mobile phones as beefed up remote controls. Finally, it will be an intelligent user experience as, very much like the web, you should expect Google TV to remember and target your habits and queries efficiently.

Oh, you clever advertising pro. You can already see the ad potential there. Yep, Google have simply extended their proven AdWord type model to TV. Don't believe me, check it out for yourself. Interested in having completely targeted TV ads at online CPC rates? Queue here please.

Can this work?

James McQuivey at Forrester seems to think so. He rightly points out 3 key partners that Google will need to seduce to make this a success:

1. Manufacturers will be key in making sure GoogleTV is physically workable. The current partnership with Sony's TVs, or Logitech and its specific media box is already a strong sign for the market. Unlike previous similar projects which where brand specific, Google needs the whole industry to back it, just like its phone success. As this is an open platform, other TV vendors should be quick to follow the example, in the race to add features on their products. 2. Viewers. You and I. We need to see a clear benefit to this. Not just a new widget that will be forgotten when the next best thing comes a long, but a media changing experience. No matter how many companies push this, we will decide its success by our usage. Knowing Google's "beta" philosophy, it should be a work-in-progress process until they completely nail it. 3. Developers, the last element but just as key. If they are not on board then no killer app will make GoogleTV interesting. The clever Android platform should make it cost-efficient for them to rollout apps on multi platforms. And mean GoogleTV already has a strong back catalogue of applications. And the whole Flash versus Apple battle should give Google competitive edge here too until Steve Jobs surrenders to Adobe.

I agree with his analysis. All the elements are here to make this a success. Digital TV makes this a natural trend which Google have correctly tried to capitalize with its online model. Whether Google get it right quickly or if this is going to be a long and painful process remains to be seen. Many will try and stop them along the way though. Apple are kicking themselves for not using the iPad's launch to bridge the online and TV gap. But they will react eventually.

For me success depends on 2 things: firstly, seeing how the content ownership model is resolved online; Indeed current big networks which own content such as series will definitely put up a fight as online content officially moves unto TV. Secondly, the advertising industry will be testing this much like the Google Content Network's early days. Results and costs may be a massive boost for the project. So how long before we see the Google search bar on all our TV's? I reckon 2 years for it to be mainstream. Then again, I am a betting man.

Banner Advertising Must-Knows - Impressions, Costs, and Benefits of Banner Ads   Different Ways to Make Online Marketing Effective With Flash Banners   How Does a Professional Online Banner Promote Small-Scale Business?   Banner Advertising - What It Is? Why It Is The Essential Part Of Your Online Business?   Online Banner Ads - 5 Tips to Make Your Banner Ads More Effective for Your Small Business   

Apple and Their Mobile Ad Network

Apple is hot right now - there's no doubt about it. But it's ventures into the mobile ad world have gotten some heat - apparently due to the time it's taking to get everything running. I applaud them. Anyone who's been kicking around for at least ten years in the Internet sector can tell you that the banner world is basically broken. It's nothing more than junk - with CPM buys that almost never benefit the advertiser.

Apple's strict adherence to quality control - combined with their ability to micro-manage every aspect of their universe - is ultimately what leads to their ongoing success. Sure - they have the manpower and pockets to churn things out quickly - but they choose to do it right.

Ultimately, applauding Apple's efforts in taking their time to do this right is exactly what the online advertising industry needs. Apple stands to give the entire industry a good kick in the pants - simply because they spend the time on details. They appear to be masters at taking something that exists - such as MP3 players - and turning it into a marvel of a business that's lean and mean and beats the heck out of the competition.

The online advertising sector is broken. The mobile ad business is already fragmented and sloppy - although it's in it's infancy. My prediction is that Apple will slowly and methodically take over the space and their business model within the space will be air-tight. Much like it did for the iPod, iPhone and i-everything they put their mark on.

Banner Advertising Must-Knows - Impressions, Costs, and Benefits of Banner Ads   Different Ways to Make Online Marketing Effective With Flash Banners   How Does a Professional Online Banner Promote Small-Scale Business?   Banner Advertising - What It Is? Why It Is The Essential Part Of Your Online Business?   

Tips to Select a Logo Design Sample

As an entrepreneur, one should master the art of surviving in a fiercely competitive market. There are several ways and techniques to build the brand identity of an organization in a positive manner in the market among the people. Using a corporate logo is one of such ways to promote the identity of an organization in a favorable light. It plays a pivotal role in portraying the right kind of image of an enterprise in the market. A marketer can easily communicate the message of an organization through an attractively designed trademark.

There are several methods and techniques to prepare a corporate image for an organization that best matches with the purpose. A marketer can find a number of tools and techniques for designing an attractive corporate trademark. For instance, you can make use of templates as guidelines to design an exquisite and spell bound trademark for an organization. These templates provide you with a variety of ideas to create an outstanding trademark for an enterprise. One can easily prepare a trademark either by using templates or computer programs. Some computer programs provide a variety of logo design samples. There are many such programs with which one can even customize the trademark of a company.

You can even hire a logo design team that includes experts who are experienced and professional. These experts have a firsthand experience of designing appropriate trademark. They have the potential to design a trademark by conducting an extensive research on the potential customers of an enterprise. One creates the design of a trademark in such a manner so that it can be visually appealing and striking for a target customer. For such a purpose, extensive research should be conducted by the team and the experts take this as a first step. It enables them to decide the kind of color, graphics or pattern that can be liked by a customer.

Whether you select a company, template or tool for designing a corporate logo, you should first verify the authenticity of any method or means that you opt.

Banner Advertising Must-Knows - Impressions, Costs, and Benefits of Banner Ads   Different Ways to Make Online Marketing Effective With Flash Banners   How Does a Professional Online Banner Promote Small-Scale Business?   Banner Advertising - What It Is? Why It Is The Essential Part Of Your Online Business?   

Vertical Banner Design - Artistic Elements Discussed

Vertical banner ads are nowadays being widely used by business admins plus all those talented webmasters who are interested in building traffic for the websites they are currently moderating over the net and using the custom graphics their homepages would get accessed and visited by a lot of people reaching the net from all corners of the globe.

You more than probably have seen some vertically developed banner ads loading over the net haven't you? The animated GIF ads coming in pixels and dimensions like 120x600 plus 234x60 could be some samples to name in this connection and as you may guess, these forms of graphics could fit very well on the sidebars of the blogs and websites.

By checking out the net, taking a brief look at some tactics that are being used by the leading banner design companies, you would notice that when it comes to building vertical ads, some points are needed to get noticed as they would later on affect the click-through-rates status of the files on the net and as they load online to act like advertisements.

We can talk about the artistic elements of vertical banner ads because it would be like a mistake assuming that all people would click on most types of graphical files as they would spot them on the net since by searching the net and reading some forums posts, you would notice that there could be found a lot of failed and poorly made ads on the net too.

Since the ads coming in dimensions such as 160x600 are like buildings or towers once they are loaded across the internet, so it is essential to know how some business concepts are needed to get projected via the files and making the best use of blank pixels could be among the essential things to do while trying to make some ads that would rock online.

It is not that difficult telling what vertical ads would be doing better than the other similar files because usually the colorful and animated types of graphics that do manage to express some business concepts over the net and being a bit on the lighter side, so that they would load pretty fast on the browsers, could be relied on in terms of generating traffic.

By searching the net, taking a closer look at some of the main advertising portals, you would find the specifications of ads being acceptable to become parts of the marketing campaigns and some vertical banners are in most cases among the approved internet units that can be employed to start some cool and powerful traffic building projects online.

One thing that is very important is to know exactly how graphics plus text messages are going to merge with each other when it comes to making some new vertical types of banner graphics. Some artistic and original solutions could help reaching the ultimate business outcomes better and faster in today's online competitive and busy atmosphere.

Please note that if your vertically made graphics are not fast loading, the delays could negatively affect their business performances because as you may have read about this matter, nowadays only the quick loading forms of files would have the real chances to receive clicks plus hits as people would just spend seconds to watch and find the internet files.

This could be one of the reasons why a great recommendation would be to omit the unwanted frames of some vertical banner graphics because they would just lead to using some files that are heavy in size and naturally not getting loaded fast on the browsing panels of people surfing the net and no wonder lots of graphics may need revisions these days.

Banner Advertising Must-Knows - Impressions, Costs, and Benefits of Banner Ads   Different Ways to Make Online Marketing Effective With Flash Banners   How Does a Professional Online Banner Promote Small-Scale Business?   Banner Advertising - What It Is? Why It Is The Essential Part Of Your Online Business?   Flash Overlay Banner - Powerful Advertising Tips and Ideas That Work   Beginner's Guide to Banner Ads   

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